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Motul MA2
#1 Vytisknout diskuzi
Přidané 01-09-2013 10:04
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Příspěvek: 1277
Založený: 15.05.10

Před nedávnem se na m.cz vynořila diskuse prokluzu spojky a hlučnějšího motoru s novým olejem Motul 5100 10W40 MA2 (na trhu od letošního března a nahradil původní Motul 5100 10W40 MA.Lze je rozeznat podle etikety).Ta diskuze je tady http://www.motork...amp;fid=18
Po delším hledání jsem našel článek i s tabulkou prokluzu spojky v jednom polském on-line měsičníku,kde je od strany 72-77 vše popsané technickým manažerem MOTUL z jakých důvodů k tomu došlo.Ještě jednou upozorňuji,že článek je v PL jazyce a může se stát,že někomu bude muset postačit jen graf a tabulky.Wink
#2 Vytisknout diskuzi
Motul MA2
Přidané 02-09-2013 12:20

Příspěvek: 1281
Založený: 20.10.11

Dobrá informace clap

A na m.cz hodnotná debata Grin
#3 Vytisknout diskuzi
Motul MA2
Přidané 02-09-2013 21:19
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Příspěvek: 222
Založený: 14.11.12

tady to je překoplé do ENG, bo to se fak tneda číst v polštině :-D

engine Oils
guide service technician
In most modern motorcycles for engine lubrication , wet
clutch and transmission use the same oil . Therefore, motorcycle oils
are composed of base oils and additives to optimize performance
at high engine speeds , the protection of moving parts box
transmission and improve the working and reactions clutch when shifting . nature
motorcycle oil is also determined by the structure of the engine, clutch
and chest. Other oils are recommended for road and track speed ,
multi-cylinder motorcycles with great power , and another for single cylinder
high torque offroad motorcycles and scooters are other
often moving at low speed in congested cities .
Peter Pyrka
support Manager
Motul Deutschland
3 ( 9) MARCH 2013 73
If we take into account the parameters of existing engines: power output from 150 to over 200 hp / dm ³ and speed to 16,000 rev / min and the mass of performing the reciprocating motion and geometry of the piston crank , it will get difficult to imagine parameters work the engine oil in the mechanical system . The linear speed of the piston > 30 m / s or about 108 km / h (67.5 mph) causes the piston ring contact -tion of the cylinder liner a very intense shear layer of the lubricant , a piston acceleration of > 6000 G , and the axial forces , coming in the direction of return it 's movement up to 1800 kg at 14 500 r / min cause compressive layer of lubricant. Under such conditions and temperatures often exceed -ing 150 ° C must work oil . It should be remembered also for working the clutch in oil bath , most often mounted on the shaft - to gear for the initial ratio of the engine increases torque - tracting often two and a half times . Thus, the clutch instead of moving the nominal torque of the engine , such as 100 Nm must move 250 Nm , which is quite comparable to the value of a motor self- xation . The same , two and a half times the load must move transmission, and its dimensions are strongly limited . This often results in very high pressure unit on teeth sparkle - than gear and huge compression and shear layer of lubricant , and the threat of rupture and damage engagement . All parameters can be oil - tocyklowych are closely mated zdetermi very difficult condi- runkami of the fluid in these three
systems with very little of its volume in the system and the huge amounts of heat PRZE - worn by the oil - jącymi due to a very high temperature operation. Let us define the to start with three basic parameters related to the operation of the motorcycle oil : viscosity SAE (Society of Automotive Engineers ) and the gen-eral requirements described international standards API (American Petroleum Institute ) and JASO (Japanese Automobile Standardowas Organization) . REQUIREMENTS
Viscosity Viscosity Comprehension by Poles is determined using -tion of other expressions of our language. Colloquially , we say that the oil is " thin " or " thick " . In the meantime, the density is quite different than the viscosity of a physical quantity . Density, is nothing but a burden only to describe a unit volume of , and the viscosity , it is not you - fluid heat and resistance that occurs during shipment. This is why it liquid of high viscosity , slow- moving during the ru - chu - such as oil pouring bottled book are described as " dense " in the colloquial language. These quickly overflowing referred to as " rare " . To describe the viscosity of the engine oil is used nikowych world famous SAE J300 . It describes the six classes of oils to use winter - hence the point in the description ( Winter ), 0W , 5W , 10W , 15W , 20W , 25W and from April this year, the six classes ( previously 5 classes ) oil called . Summer , 16 , 20, 30, 40 , 50 and 60 Classification of winter oil -tion is obvious. This is defined
two main parameters responsible for the ease and safety to start the engine at extremely low temperatures . Starter Viscosity determined at temperatures of 5 ° C for each of the classes ( from -10 ° C to 25 W to -35 ° C for 0W ) talking about opo - Rach dynamic motor oil offered by the starter shaft to obracanemu korbowemu and pumpability limit (from -15 ° C to 25 W to 40 ° C for 0W ) przepom talking about the possibility of the costs of oil by the oil pump gear on the bus at extremely low temperatures . With typical viscosity grade oils input - claw motorcycles - SAE 10W -40 , these values ​​are, respectively, -25 ° C and -30 ° C. Classification of the so-called . year , contrary to the adopted opinion and charts published in most publications do not apply to the upper outside temperature air and hot oil viscosity at engine Niku to a constant, typical operating temperatures . The kinematic viscosity of the free-flowing in each oil - nałach determined for all classes at 100 ° C , and a dynamic viscosity HTHS (High- Temperature High - Shear) describing the resistance of motion of motor and load at 150 ° C. Specified oils with low viscosities , so-called . " Fuel efficient " SAE 16, 20 and 30, and oils of the standard , high- viscosity SAE 40, 50 and 60 Rather than duplicate the functioning stereotypes should study carefully SAE viscosity classification that on the basis of an analysis prepared tować good viscosity engine . They found that lower - viscosity does not provide a net benefit : the ability to easily start the engine in an increasingly lower temperatures , down to -40 ° C for class 0W -xx . Oil 5W- xx -class behaves like
74 No. 3 (9) MARCH 2013
at -35 ° C, 10W -XX , have the same fluidity at -30 ° C , and the most commonly used mineral oil 15W -40 at -25 ° C.Wynika that the lower the viscosity of the oil level does not cycle must be as low as for cars, which often run in cold weather . Do not forget that the viscous (thick) oil flows through the channels of the bus oil slowly acting very high resistance to motion . Running the engine heats up quickly , and with it oil , where the temperature always causes the rapid decrease in viscosity . It used to be the cause of many serious accidents as satisfactory viscosity at low temperatures became insufficient in higher education. For the engine oil viscosity is the most important in its normal operating temperature , since this depends on maintaining proper oil film thickness and separation of the co - bezpieczającego for them from destruction , and the key is heavily loaded transmission elements such as gears , where the pressure
unit are much higher than the typical element mentach engine. In a modern , high-speed motorcycle engine a significant part of the engine power is consumed to overcome internal friction of the oil. This perfectly describes the state is dy - namiczna viscosity -high HTHS . Low HTHS value is low resistance , which is a small loss of engine power , and high HTHS value is of course a large resistance movement but the same as the high mechanical protection of the heavily loaded factorial , and for the safety of his work. Inner surfaces of friction is proportional to the oil viscosity , but depends
also on the type of base oil used to compose the lubricant . We will return to this phenomenon in the description of parameters with respect to quality oil and ingredients from which it is produced . On the other hand, we must keep in mind that too low a viscosity causes the tear film strength and wear -zone intensified lubricated parts , but it is less resistance , which is able to increase the engine power. Through the use of a lower viscosity grade SAE xx -30 can thus increase the power of the unit - shoots. Looking carefully at the table , we note that regardless of the viscosity of the winter , the same effects increase the engine power will get by using oil SAE 5W -30 and 10W -30 . Taking all the above into account ko , motorcycle oils with a low viscosity States are currently still very popular and used or only in sports where performance is more important than durability , or the latest , certain unsown - down
structures Honda motorcycles and Yamaha complying with the requirements of the Euro III and low CO ₂ emissions . Oils with viscosities xx -40, having a higher viscosity , better sealing , mute and protecting the engine and transmission , but are less preferred for environmental reasons and cause an increase in opo - ditch motion translates into a lower power motor compared the rarest oils used motorcycle . Oils with a viscosity grade SAE 10W -40 will maintain a thicker oil film separating cooperating elenr
3 (9 ) MARCH 2013 75
ments and doszczelniającego engines . As with many choices decision- DUJA two parameters - the power of the engine and its stability and job security , currently the most popular and preferred by a majority of engine manufacturers is the viscosity SAE 10W -40 . Higher viscosity grades are recommended for engines with specific con- in structures . May be related to both higher than the typical operating temperatures - such constructions Italian , but also con- tional engines . The biggest impact here are large, difficult to maintain sealing diameters of cylinders and the type of cooling - the wind or air - oil . Thus, the recommendations of higher viscosity grades : SAE 10W -50 , 15W -50 , 10W- 60, 20W50 meet either in specific , usually inserted States motors or design one or two cylinder motors with large capacities such as BMW and Harley Davidson . The use of oil with a higher viscosity is of course a raised oil capacity of a transfer heavy loads , and thus to increase the life of the engine and transmission , it uses less oil - life , but also increase the resistance movement , which can at very high speeds greater than 10 000 r / min , causing a noticeable drop in the power output. Frequently , however, it is not nearly as important as the one-and two-cylinder engines often do not reach such high speed of the crankshaft. Engine Oils 4 -Stroke
Requirements API API ( American Petroleum Institute -go ) determine parameters of engine oils for motorcycles at
Low temperature High temperature viscosity
in mPa.s /
temp ° C
The upper threshold
in ° C
/ Mm2 / s
at 100 ° C
(150 ° C)
Min Min Max
6200 0W at -35 -40 3.8 -
6600 5W at -30 -35 3.8 -
10W 7000 at -25 -30 4.1 -
15W 7000 at -20 -25 5.6 -
20W 9500 -15 -20 5.6 -
25W at -10 13 000 -15 9.3 -
16 - 6.1 < 8.2 2.3
20 - 6.9 < 9.3 2.6
30 - 9.3 < 12.5 2.9
401 - 12.5 < 2.9 16.3
402 - 12.5 < 16.3 3.7
50 - 16.3 < 21.9 3.7
60 - 21.9 < 26.1 3.7
Engine oil viscosity grade SAE J300
The minimum requirements set out by the oil przoducentów
wheelers in order to work properly wet clutches
76 No. 3 ( 9) MARCH 2013
oddpkcnsżoipskmpwscAmrwżaatzueeorppyoloooP ospaoaąnm ) y jcwwwopimIpąss . grns tmih . y " rpoo oaocoóayaoyooNS fertile lcewwnicłcndcdwceJe piacyhchh " RAII oyujzaahaalrks ysuózo.j according ćjdanp of fluOąwdcdzpż oiaczsaorw hockżnoayós2otuwpo conjunction yalukktad ws kp0ęjenepzapwcyąó , łiasgaj r0ciolat ajcocókwznnwazpnatły1d mhoyawąśteet inwfoi OA acksl.em igedrc Aiiiwk snhorjo.g zęoa h ąnpsePa2iWb . isgrwt ri eepi ceaeoiI0s oicNulm b kajyeacćriwnh1iwzizęi zpacyo c RAII 0TY sahctyrkfcynsboaa " eois , pdhnzfp oc Swksrkwwlki saenznyhaetewkw " ażiasr łocaoy kmi cwacennu tmyihn cyl jic ae ( niaaęc keoht fnsjSazłdozhreji noncu ao and Esik " ​​cites pj sm ET wwtSycAraahicókiar yevddiNmcccesPooayaewirtćihhjooeąj " ----- ---- Ii ,,,
JASO 4MMcjddrsglztTodnMltnJeooAoautyołl - Zolii anaenAAmaAaacsSk3ssi9tłe Jyu oezOty221l0Jóą0dptosajkAwa hands, . 0wo3pl ioołnwplnzpSaj yzooVbM : Jr. dpąar ipOo 2Aea wwzae 4ec crzzodo AA0 ESD acedzd - m ynyopwrcp1gOs2nwca klccyazluriaroo1s , piea ohhe and caiezw kk wd jenoMsśł of sc tyeolt - in s icnzsr ąooaaó slgmspAifJzoinacwswłp MąridiAooeo2wokąę imeo.iymk3Sy ruler eogo WwkJja uóhOcn awskaAetwoukrnhułwz łyrjl spSya paayąatTaeca lczOcri st TTSC srun NH4 uewli syswaeyhidn9zyz t s t cjosMaóknyj Mrgb.yneooa 0esi2 ekupi W3A0iwiapkjrwams y oiwią Ajk1 ieóeeaipp ayynwe l o1 a1ocwńwcsnzomomm aj jgze in -ap ddidaJJj oakai aabAAzomryMolz s - -------- zbyjrnnógdgzat SSiąolicazóooeęeaeBawiyirOO.dhaeezr : ,
It is here cite a recent global trends in the world of oil -tion and began to understand why the work require high performance clutch for motorcycle oils cyklowych . The majority of international standards for motor oils for passenger cars (m in . API and ACEA ) has led to extreme low viscosity oil. Already widely used in the automotive friction modifiers motor oils Szaja significantly reduce friction in order to achieve energy efficiency and sustainability elements cooperating engines . These oils motor outputs can cause prob-lems with friction on moving parts wet clutches . Slip clutch causing friction modifiers caused by overheating, and the attempt to pre-vent slipping through the use of not much higher compressive force clutch plates primarily the effect of reducing the comfort of his boot with his left hand . During the test, the friction transmission parameters according to JASO determined by three indicators . Each bar represents a different composition conditions the operation. The typical clutch test during each test is able to effectively move the load , the greater the value reaches the featured indicators Score and the upper class JASO oil is able to achieve. First checked ratio is described as the DFI (Dynamic Friction Index) . The test is performed by max- imum speed to the maximum possible transfer of the rotational torque . It describes a situation achieved by the faster -ing a high- speed engine with maximum torque . If such a
quality classification
3 ( 9) MARCH 2013 77
Test clutch situations not slips , oil gets high value ratio DFI and is able to reach the level of JASO MA2 . If the slip torque is very small oil gets class JASO MB . The second of the tested indices is called SFI (Static Fric - tion Index) . The situation is similar to that at start -ing a maximum torque of non- high speed rotating shaft coupling. The values ​​reported are the same - high - value PRZE after being carried to a high rate of SFI allows the achieve-ment level JASO MA2 . Small , obtained in the test torque , the JASO MB . The third indicator describes the mo-ment of a shift repealed lazy throttle - letting go of the handle at the moment of maximum torque. Compared to this time to discontinue the test -ing slipping clutch discs . The time to compensate for the speed ob - rotowych is smaller , the longer "live " clutch , because it is not over-load heat for a long time . This ratio is known as STI ( Stop Time Index) - the time required
to stop slipping clutch discs . Short time , the high rate of STI for JASO MA2 and MA1 and low rate for JASO MB - long clutch slippage . Oils for 2-stroke engines
JASO JASO developed its own three-stage Cherry (FB , FC, FD ) requirements for two - stroke engines Motorbike -term - JASO M 345 This specification shall assess the quality of oil in relation to four criteria : • Effectiveness • Clean engine lubrication • Reduced emissions • Clean the exhaust system to the engine oil Motul 2- suwo -term achieve the degree of FD and FC according to the latest requirements of JASO . The exceptions are the 800 Series High Performance oils that exceed current requirements . The level of the JASO FD M 345 is currently the highest level of quality engine oil dwusuwo weight. TRANSMISSION PROTECTION In order to check whether the oil - tocyklowy can be effectively protected Nile transmission mechanisms
scuff and wear to persuades to assess the ability of transferring the oil scuffing load by demanding -go test. FZG Test (ASTM D5182 ) - FZG ( Forschungsstelle für Zahn - rader und Getriebebau ) assess the lubricating properties and anti- Consumables oil on the surface cooperating gear transmission. Gears pre- cuja speed of 1450 rev . / Min . within 12 progressive step -POW loads ( max. load 534.5 Nm) at 15 - minute intervals , with a constant oil temperature of 90 ° C (194 ° F). In order to achieve higher - Szeja protection gear for Motul oils , introduced two stages extended ( to a value of 714.2 Nm of torque in step 14). Gear teeth checked at every stage of the load for wear, visually assessing the wear - life traces . The oils are then divided into 14 groups and giving them the coefficient FLS ( FLS from 1 - very poor performance - the FLS 14 - to - ceased parameters) . This test allows you to check the required thickness of the lubricating oil film now ensures the reliability and durability of the transmission. All fully synthetic MOTUL Motul 300V FL and Ester 7100 , including those with lower viscosity bone , reached in the test values ​​higher than required by the class FLS 14 Why was it possible that even the oil viscosity grade SAE 5W- 30 or SAE 10W -30 , which is a very thin film of oil exceeded the maximum required under the protection of most higher load
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